Kate worked with Art for Life, Somerset NHS Trust, initially setting up engagement sessions with clinical staff and volunteers of from Yeovil Hospital Charity. Themes began to develop: links with the proposed new garden, visits to local National Trust properties together with the feedback from the lived experience group. Working with the colour palette developed by Stride Treglow Kate began to develop the designs which now complement the new building.
The reception mural sits beside the main desk. It is a welcome sight on arrival and puts your mind at ease.
Where possible Kate uses natural materials such as plywood, printed with delicate design. Familiar buildings from the lacal landscape reassure visitors.
Main circulation area upstairs. a positive welcome into the councilling rooms. The background matches the overall paint colour. Wildflowers soon to be planted embellish long sweeping design.
Spring flowers, always a sign of hope and brighter days ahead welcome visitor to the consultation rooms.
Kate Bond: Visual Artist at The Maple Unit.