Kate worked with Surrey and Borders NHS Trust and Arcadis to develop 17 nature inspired murals for Silverwood. They span from the entrace corridor, all the way through the main circulation jouney and into 4 ward lounges. This body of work was created as a result of a thorough engagement process that included practical workshops and formal feedback.

All photographs were taken by Tom Bright and Richard Chivers

Here you can see how much care and attention has been put into making sure the colour palette of the artwork reflects the beautiful nature inspired interior design strategy.

The ward entrance colours were used to help form a visual identity to each ward. That, combined with the celestial theme chosen by stakeholder underpins the season each ward reflects.

Above is Vega ward lounge. The star Vega is part of the Summer Triangle constellation, most visible in summer in the northern hemisphere. Note how the shape of the Summer Triangle is turned into a spirograph shape as it rotates around 360 degrees. These types of mathematical motifs are used throughout the artwork. Scotts pine trees, fern fronds and summer wildflowers can be spotted aroound the local landscape.

Downstairs corridor. Summer wildflowers to summer woodland.

The artwork sits beautifully next to the wayfinding and reflects the colour palette. Care was taken to make sure the artwork looked ‘part of the wall’, rather than than placing rectangular blocks onto the wall.

Entrance corridor.

Above, the entrance corridor. A gentle young silver birch forest and flowing elements guide you through to the downstairs wards

Orion ward entrance. This wall is opposite the door below.

Orion ward lounge. This artwork is inspired by the river Thames and Chertsey Meads. As Orion is best seen in autum/winter the reeds have dried to a burnt orange, but you can still see a few remaining leaves on the willow which dips it leaves into the water. A river boat is moored up and a golden eye duck swims past slowly. The structure of the Orion the Hunter rotates into an elaborate spirograph motif.

Upstairs circulation.

Gentle forest bathing…bluebell wood

Opposite Polaris is a spring time bluebell wood. Gentle forest bathing.

As you walk towards the staff offices and first floor lifts the season changes from summer to autumn and the tree canopy turns copper. From St Anne’s Hill you can see the city in the distance and the Thorpe Park Lakes, including St Anne’s lake in the mid ground.


Kate worked with Art for Life, Somerset NHS Trust, initially setting up engagement sessions with clinical staff and volunteers of from Yeovil Hospital Charity. Themes began to develop: links with the proposed new garden, visits to local National Trust properties together with the feedback from the lived experience group. Working with the colour palette developed by Stride Treglow Kate began to develop the designs which now complement the new building.

The reception mural sits beside the main desk. It is a welcome sight on arrival and puts your mind at ease.

Where possible Kate uses natural materials such as plywood, printed with delicate design. Familiar buildings from the lacal landscape reassure visitors.

Main circulation area upstairs. a positive welcome into the councilling rooms. The background matches the overall paint colour. Wildflowers soon to be planted embellish long sweeping design.

Spring flowers, always a sign of hope and brighter days ahead welcome visitor to the consultation rooms.


For the Dyson Cancer Centre at the Royal United Hospital in Bath, the brief was to respond to the soon to be constructed Green Heart Garden. I visited Hauser and Wirth many times throughout the seasons as the proposed garden is due to reflect a naturalistic garden theme.  I also studied the planting scheme for the new garden and then gathered my visual research accordingly.

Photos by Amanda Jackson. Commissioned by Art at the Heart, Bath and North East Somerset NHS Foundation Trust.

Quiet Room, Inpatients.

Patients lounge, Inpatients.

Chemotherapy, Outpatients.

I knew that plants needed to be tall so that service users would be able to see them peeping from behind the recliner chairs in Chemotherapy or act as a gentle visible distraction in the treatments rooms.

The smaller works are printed on plywood, giving warmth and less clinical feel to a hospital environment. The bespoke garden design runs along the back wall of the Chemotherapy Suite. This will look over the Green Heart Garden once it is constructed. The design shifts in colour from one end of the room to the other; a gentle ‘nod’ to the seasons without being too obvious in such a sensitive setting.

For the Surgical Decision Unit at Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton the brief was to depict the local area of Somerset. After exploring places of interest; for example the Somerset Levels, Burrow Mump, Glastonbury, as well as recording elements from formal gardens, I developed a range of co-ordinating artwork. I was particularly inspired by the espalier fruit trees and spectacular perennials that I found in and round kitchen gardens. These were dipicted in compositions on windows and waiting areas.

Photos by Corbin O’Grady Studio. Commissioned by Art for Life, Somerset NHS Foundation Trust.

Reception waiting area. A formal Somerset garden planting scene.

Staffroom depicting a view to Glastonbury in the distance.

The quiet room. Gentle scene of reeds. The colours complement the furniture in a thoughtful and gentle way.

Kate worked closely with the interior designer to create a beautiful and calming interior design scheme for the refurbishment of the inpatients ward at Severn Hospice, Apley Castle. The palette was developed from silver birch trees that are dotted arount the beautiful garden in Telford. The concept came together gradually through consultation. The colour palette beautifully mimics the furniture and finishes.

Wall mural with co-ordinating furniture. Interior scheme by Elaine Lewis, Architectiure by Gould Singleton. Photo credit: Amanda Jackson

Corridor murals based on planting from new garden at Bicton site. Photo credit: Amanda Jackson

Calm wall based on silver birch tree woodland in quiet area. Photo credit: Amanda Jackson.


Severn Hospice - Living Well Centre

Kate collaborated with the interior designer to create a cohesive interior design scheme for the Living Well Centre. The palette was developed from a giant painting that was donated to the unit. Gradually this grew into the finished interior today. As Severn Hospice is set amoungst woodland it was important to bring the outside in. The concept came together gradually through consultation. The colour palette beautifully mimics the furniture and finishes.

Severn Hospice.  Building by Gould Singleton. Artwork printed and installed by Artowrks Solutions. Photo credit: Amanda Jackson

Kate Bond created the murals for Severn Hospice. Architectiure by Gould Singleton. Photo credit: Amanda Jackson

Artwork by Kate Bond, interior by Elaine Lewis Designs and furniture by Hillcross.  Photo credit: Amanda Jackson

Kate Bond created the murals for Severn Hospice. Interior design by Elaine Lewis Designs. Photo credit: Amanda Jackson

The Creative Therapy Room - The potting shed

Kate Bond created the ‘Potting Shed’ mural for Severn Hospice Create therrapy room. Photo credit: Amanda Jackson.

Kate Bond: Visual Artist at Severn Hospice.

Y Bwthyn RGS Macmillan Specialist Palliative Care Unit

Commissioned by Willis Newson Arts and Health consultancy, Kate created the digital murals and window manifestations for the Y Bwthyn NGS Macmillan Specialist Palliative Care Unit. It all began with a colour palette, which soon evolved into a bespoke interior design scheme offering a sense of identity and place. Kate, through consultation with staff and patients, developed a feature wall mural that reflected the local landscape. This flows right through the central communal space.

Macmillan Cancer Care for Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board designed KKE Architects. Photo credit: Anthony Coleman

Macmillan Cancer Care for Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board designed KKE Architects. Photo credit: Anthony Coleman

Artwork by Kate Bond, produced by Willis Newson on behalf of KKE Architects and Macmillan Cancer Care for Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board. Photo credit: Anthony Coleman

Mural and glazing manifestation design by Kate Bond, produced by Willis Newson on behalf of KKE Architects and Macmillan Cancer Care for Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board. Photo credit: Anthony Coleman


Mural and glazing manifestation design by Kate Bond.

Do scroll through the images above to see more artwork in the unit. As an additional to the project Kate was asked by Macmillan, in partnership with the Cwm Taf University Health Board, to produce a special property bag.  3,000 bags have been created to begin with and Kate hopes the idea will be rolled out to other health trusts and hospitals.  It’s the little details like this – bags that show thoughtfulness and kindness - that can make such a difference to how people feel at a difficult time. For more infomation about this click the link here.